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來源:http://www.7fjbwndm.cn/   發(fā)布時間:2024-06-15


Color steel fence should avoid overall layout. The overall layout of color steel fence requires detailed planning in advance, which is the same as the layout of calligraphy works. Words are afraid to form a line. When a character exists alone, regardless of its size or thickness, it forms its own entity. However, when multiple characters form a calligraphy work, the size and thickness of the characters, as well as the density between characters, need to be highly valued.


Assuming that the color steel fence is set up according to the general outdoor billboard production concept, the appearance of the wall advertisement will be plain, and the layout will not have an unexpected effect. Therefore, compared to other outdoor advertisements, wall advertisements need to focus on layout first, striving to make each billboard exciting, emphasizing the overall effect, and striving for a beautiful overall effect.



Color steel fence should avoid dull and dull colors. If there is less color, it will be simple, and if there is more color, it will be miscellaneous. The color distribution of advertisements is a headache for advertising inventors. How to achieve both the visual impact of advertising images and the integrity of visual memory is very wonderful. The color distribution of construction site fence advertisements should be very particular because they face the audience in a "collective" image.


The deformation of the fence is related to the quality of the data. The degree of deformation varies among different materials after stamping. Stainless steel has a large degree of deformation and is difficult to flatten. This is because the steel properties of stainless steel have a certain degree of resistance, making it difficult to achieve the same flatness as before stamping.


The influence of the smoothness of the enclosure is on the edges of the plate. The larger the edge, the worse the flatness, especially the larger the aspect ratio, the larger the aperture. The larger the edge, the worse the flatness. But don't worry, we have flattening equipment. We will do our best to flatten the paper to facilitate customer use.


The surface of the fence must be leveled after processing. The so-called "leveling" refers to the use of equipment such as a leveling machine to restore the original plane condition of the perforated plate after CNC stamping. In addition, the fence is usually cleaned after leveling and treated with lubricant during this period


Make the NC punching plate cleaner.


In order to minimize various errors during the production process, it is necessary to determine how to process, which molds to use, and which methods to use to better press the product before production, in order to ensure the quality of CNC punching products to the greatest extent possible

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